Having kidney stones can be a very painful experience, but they usually aren’t harmful. In fact, they can be quite easy to treat. They’re actually made up of tiny particles of salt, calcium, and magnesium that combine with waste products to form a hard deposit. A stone can be as small as a pebble, or as large as a tennis ball. However, they are most commonly found to be around the size of a chickpea.
Women can also have kidney stones if they’ve had a urinary tract infection. These infections can cause flu-like symptoms, including chills, vomiting, and fever. It’s important to get treated if you have any of these symptoms. If you do have a urinary tract infection, you may need to take antibiotics. In addition, your doctor may prescribe a pain medication that helps you to manage the pain. You can also receive an injection of a drug to reduce the pain.
Typically, kidney stones in women are small, and do not cause permanent damage. However, if the stones are large, they can dilate the ureter and cause muscle spasms. Some women also develop cystine stones, which are formed when there is too much cystine in their urine. If you have a cystine stone, you should seek medical treatment immediately.
Generally, women with kidney stones are not aware that they have them until they experience pain. Pain can be very intense, and is usually in the side or lower back. Pain can be accompanied by chills, vomiting, and difficulty passing urine.
The pain from kidney stones usually lasts for several hours. A woman may also experience back pain, abdominal pain, and pain in her genitals. These symptoms can also be caused by other conditions, so it’s important to go to the doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. In addition, you may need to stay at the hospital overnight if you have kidney stones.
You can also have kidney stones if you have a high oxalate and/or sugar diet. These substances are naturally occurring in your body, but they can combine with waste products to form a stone. When you have a stone, you will need to drink lots of fluids to help it pass. A doctor may also prescribe stronger pain medications. These medications may not provide sufficient pain relief, so you may need to take an intravenous pain medication.

The pain from kidney stones can also be accompanied by a burning sensation when you try to pass urine. You may also notice blood in your urine. However, if blood is present, it may not be visible to the naked eye. A blood test may be needed to determine whether you have a stone. X-rays or laboratory tests may also be needed to confirm that you have a stone.
If you have kidney stones, you may be given antibiotics to help treat the infection. You may also have to take an anti-nausea medication. You may also need to undergo a procedure called extracorporeal lithotripsy. This involves breaking up the stones with shock waves. You may also need to have an abdominal CT scan.