Symptoms of a prolapsed bladder can be mild or severe. Depending on the severity, the condition may require surgery. The condition can be painful, and may cause urinary tract infections. It can also irritate the vaginal wall. If left untreated, the condition may worsen over time.
The most obvious sign of a prolapsed bladder is when a piece of tissue dangles out of the vagina. This piece of tissue is less apparent when the vagina is empty, and more obvious when the bladder is full. This can be caused by a prolapsed bladder, or by another condition.
Other symptoms include a sudden urge to urinate, pain during intercourse, and difficulty getting stools out. The condition can also cause rectal problems. It is rare for a prolapsed bladder to cause serious problems. However, in rare cases, the condition can lead to bladder obstruction. When this happens, urine cannot flow to the urethra, and will remain in the bladder.
Pelvic floor muscle exercise, also known as kegeling, is recommended for women with a mild prolapse. This exercise is performed several times a day, and involves contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. It should be done in 10 repetitions and held for at least two seconds. The muscles should be re-trained after each session to ensure that the exercise is effective.
The pelvic floor muscles play a vital role in supporting the vagina, bladder, and rectum. They can become weak or damaged as a result of pregnancy, childbirth, heavy manual labor, or chronic constipation. The best way to keep these muscles strong is by eating a healthy diet that includes fiber. The muscles can also be strengthened by taking estrogen replacement therapy. However, estrogen may interfere with treatment of certain types of cancer.
The urodynamics test is another test that can help diagnose a prolapsed bladder. This test can help a doctor determine how much pressure is on the bladder, and whether the urine is flowing properly through the urethra. The test can also help the doctor determine whether other internal organs are present. A doctor may perform an ultrasound to determine the full extent of the prolapse.

A prolapsed bladder can cause problems for women, and it is important to see a doctor to get a diagnosis. The condition can be mild, moderate, or severe. Some women may not even notice symptoms until the condition has reached a more serious stage. The condition can worsen over time, and some women may experience urinary tract infections. The symptoms of a prolapsed bladder are mild, but they can be painful. If you suspect that you may have a prolapsed bladder, or you have been experiencing symptoms for more than a few months, it is important to see a doctor.
In severe cases, a urologist may perform surgery to move the bladder back into its rightful position. Other options include pelvic floor muscle exercise and behavioral therapy. A urodynamics test can also identify whether or not a prolapsed bladder is causing problems, and which treatments are most effective.